zipthatzebra gobblethatgoblin

say hello to me and enjoy your stay :)
Saturday, January 31, 2009;12:27 AM
Beginners' Luck

Billiard with the cousins today! It's only my 2nd time at pool; the 1st time I had so many "airballs" (def: aim, shoot, the wind stirs, but the ball doesn't move). And who would've known my cousins were pros! So I lost almost every game except 1, which was quite sad, but it was fun anyway! I decided I'll start practising and one day I WILL PWN AT POOL!!!!!!!! Anyone game to play with me? xD

Then Kang treated us to Subway cookies! He ate a 9-inch Meatball Marinara all by himself! (It was a footlong but Ah Hui stole 1/4 of it). And I treated myself to a cuppa MOCHA FRAPPUCHINO from Starbucks! Omg I am so happy now... and broke too. But we are SO gonna go bowling together one day! :)

Fat Faces Unite!

On Friday, Willette and Moose came over to my house to exercise! They went to the gym, but
obviously I didn't exercise with them cuz of my muscle aches from Volleyball. Then at night, we went to the airport to send David off. It was quite short, and although I'm not that close to him, I still felt a little sad that he was leaving. Maybe I was sad cuz I knew Dorcas would be sad, or maybe I just knew the feeling of people leaving you.


Me and Willette went to Valteo's house to play Guitar Hero! It was super fun, though I totally suck at the Guitar. BUT I WILL PWN DRUMS!!! Afterall, I passed Expert level of Eye Of The Tiger. :) Willette pwns at guitar as much as I pwn at drums! Hahaha. I swear drums give me feet cramps man. But I survived 4 hours of it! Yeah! In the end I reached home at almost midnight and almost got scolded by The Mother. Now I am on probation. Pictures come when Valteo decides to not be lazy and uploads them (*hint! xD)
Friday, January 09, 2009;12:26 AM
MEME :-)


1. Closest red thing to you: X'mas card from Celine
2. Last thing to make you angry: I can't really remember, probably my sis though haha.
3. Do you have a temper: Let's just say... I think it but I don't say it xD
4. Are you a fan of romance: Sure ♥

1. Closest orange thing to you: My entire room
2. Do you like to burn things: I don't.
3. Dress up for Halloween: I want to but in Singapore, that's just awkward.
4. Are you usually a warm-hearted person: No comments :D
5. Do you have anything against redheaded people: Nope
6. Are you usually full of energy: I THINK I'M A REALLY CALM PERSON!!!!

1.Closest yellow thing: Honestly I don't see anything yellow in my room.
2. The happiest time[s] of your life: Going high with my sis and my friends
3. Favorite holiday: Those @ Disneyland!
4. Are you a coward: Yes.
5. Do you burn or tan: Neither.

1. Closest green thing to you: A clock
2. Do you care about the environment: Yup
3. Are you jealous of anyone right now: Who isn't with filthy rich celebs around?
4. Are you a lucky person: I guess.
5. Do you always want what you can’t have: I wanna dominate the world.
6. Do you like being outdoors: Yes when it's cloudy :D
7. Are you Irish: What dya think? xD

1. Closest blue thing to you: My shorts
2. Are you good at calming people down: Definitely no.
3. Do you like the sea: yes
4. What was the last thing that made you cry: I was thinking of something at night, but I'm not telling.
5. Are you a logical thinker: I think I am. :)
6. Can you sleep easily: I guess.

1. Last purple thing you saw: My sis' iPod strap.
2. Like being treated to expensive things: Sure!
3. Do you like mysterious things: I like mysterious movies :D
4. Favorite type of chocolate: White chocolates, though I'm not a big fan of chocs.
5. Ever met anyone in royalty: Princess Penny haha.
6. Are you creative: Erm...

1. Closest pink thing to you: A pen
2. Do you like sweet things: Yeah
3. Like play-fighting: Yup
4. Are you sensitive: Quite.
5. Do you like music: Absolutely.

1. Closest white thing to you: Envelope
2. Would you say you’re innocent: Yes :)
3. Good at keeping the peace: Neutral xD
4. Do you like to play in the snow: I would if I could.
5. Are you afraid of going to the doctor or dentist: Nope

1. Closest black thing to you: Camera case
2. Ever enjoy hurting people: No
3. Are you sophisticated or silly: Sophisticated *sniggers*
4. Would you like to go to space: Yeah!!!
5. What is your favorite color: It changes every day. Right now, red.
6. Does the color you wear affect your mood: Nope.
Sunday, January 04, 2009;10:43 AM
Stuck in Last Christmas

It's 2009! Time to do a little reflection on my life, again.

Things that went great in 08 were:
401! Definitely.
My math EYA paper!
Making new friends - like Jiali!
Learning to cherish life more
A job + New friends + Free pizza @ Canadian pizza.
Great times spent with gourmet, the MRT people, family and the neighbors.
MEP batch 08 (including Mr Xu) + MEP BBQ + MEP outing @ Changi Airport!
Watching a musical 4 times and not getting sick of it!
Discovering an AWESOME show - Whose Line Is It Anyway!
Malaysia trip!
Volunteering @ the childcare centre
Countdown @ Marina Bay
A supplier for music :D
Finding more music I love (like TAI! & Tokio Hotel!)
Getting FTSK's album!
and many more...!

Things that didn't go so well:
Getting more pimples... :O
Slacking & regretting that I wasted time on useless stuff
Didn't hit the gym, despite planning to.
TRL is over!!!
Getting broke all the time (even in Monopoly! and yes, I DO play that)
Realizing Whose Line isn't screening anymore
Having to listen to Duffy at almost every store I went to in Msia. Wth.
Things that will happen in 09:
I'll become a full-time mugger! Hopefully.
I'll try to read the newspapers everyday!
I'll save up for FALL OUT BOY's concert in SINGAPORE!!!!!! Feb 10th is an important day xD
I'll make more new friends in RJC and hope I can find ones who I can talk to...
Hopefully i'll get into a CCA I like.
And I wanna get into H3 Math or Econs. :)
Pass my Theory exam with at least a Merit!
Pass my ATCL exam in Dec.

Anyway, here's what happened in my holidays so far!

Cameron Highlands + Kuala Lumpur!

We spent only 1 day @ Cameron, but that was the most enjoyable day to me throughout the trip! Our hotel, Equatorial, was the highest hotel on the mountain! I'm on the top of the world ~ And the weather there was so cooling I almost wished I lived there. It was perhaps around 16 degrees celcius.

A nice little marketplace near our hotel, where I bought my cowboy hat! :)

We visited the strawberry farm and found out strawberries were ugly before they became ripe. There's still hope for us ugly people!!! :)

And we visited Valteo's favorite place ever - the BEEEEEEE farm! :D
We didn't get to see much though, just boxes with little black stuff flying around it.

And we went to this tea plantation! I was kinda excited but I didn't expect this - It was just bushes and bushes going way up till it has been covered by fog. ...???
Still, it was pretty cool. So there's my mom and my sis on that hill of bushes.

AND... We visited the Rose Farm! There were more than roses there. :)

Mr. Cactus Men

A Pink Rose!

Me with cute flowers that looked like little bells. :)

My sis with the beautiful view while we were climbing up to the peak of the Rose Garden.

And we visited a shop with Insect collections. This is a collection of Scorpions.

After Cameron, we took a 5-hr bus ride to KL! Where we did loads of shopping and retail therapy! Haha. Didn't take many pictures there, so here's one of the christmas decos.

X'mas Partayyye!

The 4 Weirdos! Santa's 2 elves, Captain Davy Jones & Mrs. Indiana Jones.

Funny shots. :)
Xmas party was fun! Just like the good ol' days. We played cards, badminton, gift-exchange, great food, charades, and it ended with us beng all hyped up with a game of Truth Or Dare. xD
School's gonna start soon, and I'm not looking forward to it. I'll be alone in a new class again, and I'll have to make new friends. But I guess sometimes change is good, and sometimes I love change. So let's hope that I'll love my new experience in JC! :D


I love music, especially
Rock, Alternative and Indie!

The Academy Is
Tokio Hotel
Fall Out Boy
Forever The Sickest Kids
Madina Lake
Lost Prophets
Kids In Glass Houses
Marianas Trench!!!

I also love...
Johnny Depp
Amanda Bynes
Shia LaBeouf
Russell Peters
Calvin and Hobbes
Converse Sneakers
Fish & Co.

Folie A Deux CD
Zimmer 483 CD
Fast Times At Barrington High CD
Santi CD
Masterpiece Theatre CD!!!
A new jacket
Travel Around the World
iPod Touch
More T-shirts!
Converse Sneakers

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the phrase that pays

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